PCI DSS Compliance: Why It Matters And How To Obtain It
Whenever a business accepts, processes, or transmits payment data (e.g., credit or debit cards), it opens itself up to the risk that such data will be stolen. Hackers and cyber criminals want your customers’ credit card data. By obtaining the Primary Account Number (PAN) and sensitive authentication data, a thief can impersonate the cardholder, use the card, and steal the cardholder’s identity.
The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is a set of security controls designed to ensure that all companies that accept, process, store, or transmit credit card information maintain a secure environment. If your company handles cardholder data, maintaining compliance with PCI DSS is mandatory.
Download The Introduction To PCI Guide
Download this guide to learn about the key aspects of PCI DSS compliance, including:
- What is PCI DSS?
- What types of businesses need to be PCI DSS compliant?
- What are the common PCI DSS control failures?
- What are the consequences of having payment card data stolen or compromised?
- When should your business start your PCI DSS compliance effort?
- What is the process for becoming PCI DSS compliant?
- Where are PCI DSS controls required and which systems need to be protected?
- What are the general tips and strategies for becoming PCI DSS compliant?
- How does PCI DSS fit into your overall compliance program?
- What tools can make PCI DSS compliance easier to manage?

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